Vivek Banerjee

Vivek Banerjee

Vivek Banerjee is a senior concentrating in Social Studies. His academic studies surround political theory, legal history, and the formation of constitutions. He is interested in the relationship between ethics and the law with regard to how ethical precepts get entrenched differently under different constitutional systems. He is writing his senior thesis on various theoretical oppositions to the concept of constitutionalism in the late eighteenth century. Outside of the classroom, Vivek is an editorial writer for The Harvard Crimson, and he is interested in civil liberties issues regarding voting rights, government surveillance, detention, and torture.

Vivek’s project examines the political thought surrounding oppositions to the formalization of constitutions and objections to the constitutional/non-constitutional legislation divide. He hopes to explore how, or if, rebutting these oppositions influenced certain elements of constitutional design in the American, British, and French contexts, especially in the late eighteenth century.

This information is accurate as of the fellowship year indicated for each fellow.

Undergraduate Fellows

Kissel Grantee