Madeline Hung

Madeline Hung

Madeline Hung is a senior concentrating in Social Studies. Her work focuses on the intersections of global justice and international law. Her senior thesis will use a critical theory lens to explore the role of international economic law in human rights implementation. Madeline volunteers as a Team Coordinator for Health Leads USA at Codman Square Health Center, a non-profit organization that connects underserved patients to community resources. She is Vice President of The Seneca, Inc., a women’s advocacy non-profit organization on Harvard’s campus.

Madeline’s project will investigate the potential for international economic law to act as a tool for the fulfillment of basic human rights. She will explore whether international economic laws can create incentives for individuals, corporations, and states to contribute to the alleviation of the basic resource needs of the global poor.

This information is accurate as of the fellowship year indicated for each fellow.

Undergraduate Fellows

Kissel Grantee