New Book by Former Graduate Fellow Anna Su

October 6, 2015

Former graduate fellow Anna Su has published an exciting new book Exporting Freedom, from Harvard University Press. In it, Su examines America’s exportation of religious freedom in laws and policies during the twentieth century. "Influenced by growing religious tolerance at home and inspired by a belief in the United States’ obligation to protect the persecuted beyond its borders, American officials drafted constitutions as part of military occupations—in the Philippines after the Spanish–American War, in Japan following World War II, and in Iraq after 2003. They also spearheaded efforts to reform the international legal order by pursuing Wilsonian principles in the League of Nations, drafting the United Nations Charter, and signing the Helsinki Accords during the Cold War. The fruits of these labors are evident in the religious freedom provisions in international legal instruments, regional human rights conventions, and national constitutions" (Harvard University Press).