Blog: AI Ethics for Business Leaders

Post #3 The AI Ethics Landscape: Government, Academia, and Business Approaches

In our previous blog posts, we have explored the urgency and critical importance of developing an applied (practical) AI ethics framework for business. We are motivated by our mission to design, develop, and deploy an applied ethical framework for the business use of AI. In designing this framework—as a more pragmatic response to the unique ethical challenges presented by AI—we need to first examine current practices and identify what works and, importantly, what is missing.  

The ethical use of AI in the business community is a multifaceted challenge that involves...

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Post #2: Why We're Embarking on This Business AI Ethics Journey

Welcome back to our Business AI Ethics blog! In our inaugural entry, we explored the significance of AI systems across today's business landscape. Jeff took the pen for today’s entry – en route home from an exhilarating session with a Fortune 50 company’s Risk team. There, we investigated the paramount importance of adopting an Applied AI Ethics approach. This encounter underscored not only the critical nature of our work but also the glaring gap in the world for an effective AI ethics framework tailored to business leaders.  

Today, let’s dive into the heart of the...

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Post #1: Applied AI Ethics for Corporate Leaders

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer merely a science fiction motif - it is quickly becoming an everyday reality. As AI systems continue to reshape the contours of innovative possibility, integration of AI (generative AI in particular) into corporate strategies and decision-making is imperative for companies striving to stay competitive in a complex global landscape. 

Generative AI will revolutionize business, enhance products and operational efficiencies, and unlock new business models for growth. As we navigate the AI [r]evolution, there is a need to balance AI’s...

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